Major Academic Plans

The Major Academic Plans reflect a possible academic plan to graduate in four years. This is not a required plan. For a list of requirements for your major, please see the major requirements outlines.Ā  Click on the appropriate plan based on the year you entered your major. If your year is not listed, please contact your major academic advisor orĀ 

Single Major Course Requirements

These are the major requirement outlines for a single studio major. The documents are listed alphabetically by major and reflect the year you entered that major. You will see multiple documents per major - choose the one the applies to the year you entered your major. Please contact your academic advisor orĀ for previous catalog year major requirement outlines.

Title Description File type

Art History Double Major Course Requirements

These are the major requirement outlines for a double major in Art History and studio. The documents are listed alphabetically by major and reflect the year you entered that major. You will see multiple documents per major - choose the one the applies to the year you entered your studio major. Please contact your academic advisor orĀ for previous catalog year major requirement outlines.

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Creative Writing Double Major Course Requirements

These are the major requirement outlines for a double major in Creative Writing and studio. The documents are listed alphabetically by major and reflect the year you entered that major. You will see multiple documents per major - choose the one the applies to the year you entered your studio major. Please contact your academic advisor orĀ for previous catalog year major requirement outlines.

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Major (Art History or Creative Writing) and Studio Minor Course Requirements

These are the major requirement outlines for a major in Art History or Creative Writing and a minor in studio. The documents are listed alphabetically by major and reflect the year you entered the studio minor. You will see multiple documents per major - choose the one the applies to the year you entered your studio major. Please contact your academic advisor orĀ for previous catalog year major requirement outlines.

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Minor Program Requirements

These are the minor requirement outlines. You will see multiple documents per minor - choose the one the applies to the year you entered your studio major. Please contact your academic advisor orĀ for previous catalog year minor or certificate requirement outlines.
