This is a page for handouts and General  Forms and Handouts  that might to be accessed by All segments of the KCAI population,  student, staff, and faculty.

Department Safety Manuals

Kansas City Art Institute Departmental Health and Safety Manual Supplement are available for download as pdfs here. This supplemental information and your department is safety manual will help create this safe and secure environment.

Art on Campus installation


KCAI transcripts can now be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse. You may place as many orders as you like in one session using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed. Order updates are available via mobile text message and will also be emailed to you. You can also track your order online using your email address and order number. Your signed consent is required to fulfill your transcript order. For your convenience, a consent form will be generated for your order that you can approve instantly online or return via fax, mail, or as a scanned email attachment.


Title Description File type