
Course Information

Topics in Gender Studies:Gender Literacy (SOC 3702)

Term: 2019-20 Fall


Shelly Cline
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Mon-Wed, 8:00 PM - 9:20 PM (8/26/2019 - 12/13/2019) Location: MAIN BH 103


Students will acquire literacy of gender and feminist scholarship, and a fluency in the language of this discipline. The course will include a history of feminism and practical applications of theory. Most importantly, this course will serve as a conceptual toolkit to aid students in the transmission and communication of such knowledge to affect change in their communities, countries and world. We will address the formation of gender and its intersection of race, class, and sexuality. Questions to be addressed include: How are gender identities constructed and what is their relationship to culture/location/time? What is the legacy of feminism and its mission for the 21st century? We will look at representations and issue of gender in film, media, politics, and popular culture. Students will learn to identify examples of sexism and gender discrimination, address LGBTQAI issues, challenge gender binaries.