
Course Information

The Felted Form - Intermediate (FIBR 3542)

Term: 2022-23 Spring


Marie J Bannerot-McInerney
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Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM (1/23/2023 - 5/12/2023) Location: MAIN WH 106


[Prerequiste: FIBR/FIBRE 354] Felting is one of the oldest methods of making fabric, dating back at least 8500 years to its origin in Central Asia. The direct and adaptive nature of felting made it essential to early nomadic populations. Felting was and still is a culturally significant community activity. It brings together families and neighbors to work alongside each other - building relationships, sharing stories, and passing down mythologies all while creating clothing and shelter. The perceptible transformation that takes place when felting will appeal to those who enjoy working with their hands and who regard the physicality of a material-based process. In The Felted Form, intermediate level, students will examine methods of working with wool that address specific applications to their individual studio practice. Readings and discussions will concentrate on the history of felt, its metaphorical associations, applications for architecture and garment, as well as feltโ€™s role in c