
Course Information

The Conversational Dish (CERME387)

Term: 2022-23 Spring


Casey Lynn Whittier
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Tue-Thu, 4:00 PM - 6:50 PM (1/23/2023 - 5/12/2023) Location: MAIN SCB LOWER


[Social Practice minor] The Conversational Dish will cover the creation of handbuilt vessels using a variety of popular forming techniques (pinch, slab, coil and the use of press molds) and decoration methods (slip, underglaze, glaze, monoprinting, inlay and carving/stamping) in clay. Wheel throwing will not be covered in this course. Students will explore the handmade vessel as an intimate and social object that has the power to start conversations, convey information, tell stories, change behavior, and create social interactions. Students will study the relationship of the ceramic dishโ€”its design and functionโ€”to food and food-based gatherings. As part of the coursework, students will design, create, and use their dishes in interactions with peers and the community at large. In addition to individual and collaborative studio projects, we will look at contemporary ceramic artists that use the vessel as a platform for social engagement, education, and activism. We will discuss the hist