
Course Information

Fundamentals of Mold Making (CERME227)

Term: 2019-20 Spring


Casey Lynn Whittier
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Mon-Wed, 6:30 PM - 9:20 PM (1/27/2020 - 5/15/2020) Location: MAIN SCB LOWER


This course will cover the creation and use of molds for ceramic production methods including: building and producing basic hump and/or slump molds, using press molds, slip casting forms in clay, and the use of decorative molds (sprigs and applique). Students will design and prototype forms in plaster, clay, and other modeling materials (both sculptural and functional options can be explored within the context of the course) that will be molded and used to create a series of ceramic works that will be glazed and fired. Students will also have an opportunity to make molds of found objects or to alter found objects for molding. A variety of plaster mold making techniques, how to use clay as a mold, and pros and cons of working with flexible mold making materials will also be covered in the course. Students will be encouraged to create individual and original ideas in ceramic media, and to develop a personal methodology and artistic direction which may complement the work in their major.