
Course Information

Topics in Art & Society: Trends vs.Tradition in German Painting & Scul (AHS 3812)

Term: 2023-24 Fall


Loren A Whittaker
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Mon-Wed, 3:00 PM - 4:20 PM (8/21/2023 - 12/8/2023) Location: MAIN DH 119


[Modern] Because of its central location on the European continent, Germany has served as an important juncture for artistic developments and related ideologies that circulated between northern and southern Europe from the early modern to early contemporary periods. Through an in-depth analysis of the lives and works of artists such as Tilman Riemenschneider, Albrecht Dürer, Martin Schongauer, Hans Holbein the Younger, Matthias Grünewald, Caspar David Friedrich, Käthe Kollwitz, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Franz Marc, Otto Dix, Max Beckman, among others, this course will trace how German artists remained true to their region’s established artistic traditions, while adopting foreign stylistic trends, through periods ranging from the Renaissance and Reformation to German Expressionism and Neue Sachlichkeit (New Objectivity).