
Course Information

Illustration Process and DigitalTechniques (ILLE 270)

Term: 2023-24 Fall


Tue-Thu, 4:00 PM - 6:50 PM (8/21/2023 - 12/8/2023) Location: MAIN GIAS 404


Students in this course will explore a variety of illustration processes while developing digital techniques. Students will learn how the professional illustrator problem solves to creating production-ready visual solutions. This illustration elective is intended for students to focus on generating strong imagery for real-world illustration assignments created with industry standard tools. Students will be challenged with a variety of projects designed to highlight specific concepts of visual communication, increase their digital skills and understanding of the computer’s potential as a tool. Research, idea generation, problem solving techniques and forming the image as a creative and contemporary solution will be integral to this course. Assignments emphasize traditional illustration skills such as visual problem solving, conceptual thinking, drawing, and designing while exploring the possibilities of digital execution. Students spend half of the studio time in a lab environment wo