
Course Information

Senior Studio: Filmmaking Workshop II (FILM 420)

Term: 2019-20 Spring


Luke Daniel McKinney
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Mon-Wed, 8:00 AM - 2:50 PM (1/27/2020 - 5/15/2020) Location: MAIN EB 217


The final year in the Photography and Filmmaking program centers on individualized research and production projects. In the first semester, Seniors will apply project development skills to the development of a Senior production and research project, based on their individualized investigations. The second semester is dedicated to the post-production phase of your Senior Thesis project, BFA Exhibition, Senior Talk, student-directed workshop, and catalogue. Students are required to develop their installation and presentation skills, artist statement writing, and promotional approaches. Screenings, suggested readings, research, production coursework, and class presentations will parallel each individual student’s area of focus.