
Course Information

Junior Studio: Filmmaking Workshop II (FILM 320)

Term: 2023-24 Spring


Mon-Wed, 8:00 AM - 2:50 PM (1/22/2024 - 5/10/2024) Location: MAIN EB 217


The second semester of the Junior Filmmaking and Photography major studio centers on introductory strategies to individualized student research and foundational approaches for independent project development. Project proposal developmental methods will be explored along with introductions to project management skills for establishment of a semester-long production and research project assignments, based on individualized investigations. The objectives of this advanced workshop are to promote the integration of historical, technical and conceptual components of the individualโ€™s lens-based work in the context of self-directed projects and personal research topics. This workshop is a critical dialog regarding experimental approaches to image-making and personal research. Second-semester juniors are expected to take risks and explore new artistic territories. The focus is on each studentโ€™s ability to integrate their ideas and artistic expression while developing more advanced technical and