
Course Information

Junior Studio: Filmmaking Workshop I (FILM 300)

Term: 2024-25 Fall


Mon-Wed, 8:00 AM - 2:50 PM (8/26/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: MAIN EB 220


This workshop is intended for first semester juniors with intermediate and advanced levels of lens based media experience. The class takes into consideration photography, filmmaking and expanded forms such as sequencing, installations, image + text, through lectures, assigned readings, screenings, and tutorials. Students will also consider methods of collaboration while building an individualized critical and inquisitive approach. In this class, students will acquire project-development, time-management, research, presentation and professional practice abilities. The objectives of this workshop are to promote the development of technical and conceptual components of the individual’s practice in an open studio context. This includes an emphasis on the student's ability to integrate ideas and artistic expression in terms of self-directed projects and the development of research and critical skills in the context of group discussions and critiques. Juniors are to begin the process of self