
Course Information

Sophomore Studio II: Intermediate Filmmaking (FILM 220)

Term: 2024-25 Spring


Mon-Wed, 8:00 AM - 2:50 PM (1/27/2025 - 5/16/2025) Location: MAIN EB 221


The focus of this course continues from the first semester to build students’ understanding of still and moving imagery as a form of personal expression, while growing students' conceptual and technical understanding. Experimentation of form, technique, and exhibition installation will be encouraged in the exploration of the concepts, poetics, theory, and aesthetics that combine to form art. Topics that are covered include: black and white analogue techniques and the use of the darkroom as a creative and experimental laboratory, interrogation of narrative structure, the relationship between image and object, the creative use of light and archive or research based practices. Through assignments, discussions and critique, students will expand and refine their notions of still and moving image practices to understand and interrogate modes of contemporary imagery as a platform for fine art practice.