
Course Information

Topics in Japanese Art:Contemporary Japanese Art (AHS 3606)

Term: 2024-25 Spring


Jan Kennedy
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Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 2:20 PM (1/27/2025 - 5/16/2025) Location: MAIN DH 124


[G/C; Contemporary; Asian Studies minor] This course will examine the art of Japan from primarily the 1960s to today, with some consideration of artistic movements that arose after World War II such as the Gutai Bijutsu Kyokai (Gutai Art Association). We will study various groups and individual artists who respond to natural materials and spiritual sources that have long been a part of the traditional Japanese aesthetic, such as the Mono-ha group, to movements that reflect a dialogue with the global context of avant-garde art. We will explore the unique qualities of many contemporary Japanese artists’ works that reference the legacy of Japanese art history while creating a dynamic interplay with such popular cultural phenomena as β€œmanga” and anime. Discussions will focus on issues of nationalism, cultural memory, spatiality, temporality, Western influences, imaging violence and cuteness, gender and popular culture.